Ilona Porter
Making This Website
Final Project
Home > Workshops > Conditional Design
Conditional design is made by setting rules for drawing and iterating them in a cycle, almost like making and using a programme on a computer.

This was a group work project done with Ella, Saraya, Megan and Anisa.
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Rules: Each person draws and sketches in a circle improving on the previous circle until the outer circle is perfect.
Rules: 1 line must connect 2 dots.
The angle of the line must be within a 45 degree angle corresponding the the chart on the right.
Once an area is enclosed, it may be hatched in.
The next tasks I did with Ella.
They are available to view on her website also.
Using roman numerals draw your date of birth.
Rules: Each numeral follows the direction on the previous numeral.
Rules for above: Using geometric numeral shapes, draw consecutively one on top of the other turning the orientation 90 degrees clockwise each time. Change the colour with every new section of the date.

Rules for left: To start, draw each numeral to the right of the previous numeral. Change to the opposite direction at the end of each part of the date.