Ilona Porter
Making This Website
Final Project
Home > Workshops > Micro Research
As a group we decided to approach the brief in quite a systematic way. We discussed that we would be able to collect more information if we each walked up and down our stretch of 50 steps and gathered data individually.

This way we ended up with 12 different sets of data to work with. Having collected the information we noticed that some of us had assembled similar data sets, such as focussing on cars and shop fronts. We started to interpret our information on the basis of linking our subjects around the income and lifestyle of the area. For example, by analysing the brand of cars, and looking at the shop fronts and price-lists, we could start to estimate whether the Kenton Road area is well off, middle class or not well off.

After deciding to focus on the income of the area, we split up again to work on aspects of our indented outcome. Ashley had managed to digitalise his drawings, and we decided that we could use this to present our findings. Saraya, Anisa, Megan and Bryan took on analysing the shops and prices. Josh was looking at the car brands while Ilona was doing the writing. After this we came together again to make our visualisation of information.
Contact Information:
Megan: Number of shops, types of shops.

Josh: Tally of people in then area and lampposts, notes on bus numbers, pictures of type of shops, videos of cars.

Ilona: Videos and pictures of cars, road markings, pavement tiles, gas and water hatches, bus numbers.

Ashley: Drawings of doors and windows in the area.

Bryan: Pictures of cars and how mush rubbish and gum on the pavement, tally of cars going down the street at certain intervals and noted their colours.

Saraya: Pictures of shops fronts and signs.

Anisa: Pictures of shoes and shop signs.

Our outcome has taken a paper-based form, where the viewer can open up windows to view the statistical findings about shops. The windows correspond to the types of shops. Also there is a small info-graphic showing car types by number and colour. To conclude Ashley did a calculation of the “average cost of Kenton Road”. The cars seen, (second hand average cost per car) added to the average cost of a building on Kenton Road, and multiplied by the number of doors on the road.

(25,000+15000+20000+5000+10000+25000) + (600000*29) = 17.5 million